
Baking Cookies with A

A has changed our lives in so many ways, including needing to tag team all cooking efforts unless she’s napping. The simplest tasks, like making cookies, take so much longer now, but are also so much sweeter. Her giggles as she mischievously reached for the chocolate chips spilling them all over, or as her tiny […]


Blowing Bubbles with A

Blowing bubbles with A was a hoot! She kept sticking her tongue out, trying to eat the bubbles, not understanding that she needed to blow, or how K and I were making them. It was insanely cute watching her so fascinated, giggling, trying to reach them. It’s been interesting finding activities we can do with […]

Guillotine Date Night - Our Kind of Wonderful

Guillotine Date Night

Guillotine may be a game that rubs some the wrong way, since it’s based off of actual events, but we got past that, and actually really love playing it, and it’s one of our at home date night go to’s. We love card games, and especially ones that are kind of fast, so we can […]

Sidewalk Chalk with A - Our Kind of Wonderful

Sidewalk Chalk with A

It’s important to us that each family photo session we do involves A, and actually interacting, not the posed sitting there smiling. We want you to see us, who we are, and into our lives. So…sidewalk chalk it was! Let’s be honest, I HATE chalk. I hate how it feels on my hands, the texture, […]

Horseshoes Date Night - Our Kind of Wonderful

Horseshoes Date Night

I grew up playing horseshoes, or watching people play horseshoes every once in a while, then when we bought our house and actually had a yard, and space, I got this cute little horseshoes set. We busted it out for the first time for date night, and let’s just say that my skills are lacking. […]

Baby Swing with A - Our Kind of Wonderful

Baby Swing with A

I got the swing for A on a whim one day, thinking it could be a fun thing for her. You guys, she absolutely loves it! I can’t say the same for the dogs, as they’ll come up, all curious, then not listen when we tell them to watch out and get bumped with the […]


A’s First Birthday!

A is one! Oh my heck, I feel like my mom as I keep wondering where the time went, and wanting it to slow down. This past year has flown by, and K and I are both still in shock over having a one year old. This last year as parents has been pretty much […]

Blast to the Past Date Night - Our Kind of Wonderful

Blast to the Past Date Night

I grew up with these amazing Disney Look & Find books – a Beauty & the Beast one, and a Little Mermaid one, both of which I was obsessed with. I’d never busted them out to show K before, but when we were reorganizing and setting up our makeshift living room entertainment center I found […]

Our Kind of Wonderful
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