I tried to write about A’s birth before, but I really struggled, and don’t feel I did it justice. After getting these photos back from Kelley Anderson it’s like the night she was born came back 100%, and I’m flooded with emotions all over again.
On September 1, 2016 we got the call that S, A’s birth mom, was in labor. I’d never witnessed a birth before, studied it, anything. I’ve heard friends talk about it, but I wasn’t prepared for all of the emotions, or all of the pain S was in. My heart was hurting for her, wishing I could take the pain away. When we got there she was already in labor, but greeted us with a smile, and made us feel welcome.
I felt helpless, there wasn’t much I could do. One of her best friends was with her and had everything all covered. I’m so, so glad she was there. She has a baby of her own, and labor, pregnancy, all of that wasn’t new to her like it was me – she helped keep both S and I calm. She would rub S’s back, or just hold her hand during her contractions, reassuring her that she was strong and could do this.
K was calm, and just sat back watching and listening as S, her friend, and I chatted and laughed, telling stories, and passing the time. He’d pitch in every once in a while, but mostly he was there watching, anxiously waiting for A to be born, and holding my hand or rubbing my back.
At 6:29 am on September 2, 2016 our baby girl was born. She was brought into the world in a room filled with so much love for her. I don’t think there was a dry eye from anyone in the room. As she was born S cried and reached for her, pulling her up to her chest.
S let K cut the chord, and when he did that I lost it. I’m not a crier, I was sure it’d be K that was the crying mess, but it was me. I was trying to silently sob in the background and not take away from the moment. Again, I wasn’t prepared for the storm of emotions that was coming my way, and wasn’t expecting them to hit so quickly.
S let K and I do skin to skin right after she was weighed, measured, and wrapped up. Seeing K cradle his baby girl is still one of the sweetest things I’ve ever seen, and makes me fall more and more in love with him. This giant of a man is already wrapped around this tiny little girl’s fingers.
Skin to skin was amazing. Holding this little tiny baby, our daughter, against my chest made me break down all over again. I was overwhelmed with love for her, and for S, and didn’t have the words to express it.
On September 3, 2016 S signed, making K and I A’s parents. Throughout the entire birth and stay at the hospital S was amazing toward us, and she already felt like family. She would bring A to our room to see us, even though that was taking away from her time with her. She’d invite us to her room to hang out, and it felt like I’d known her forever.
There is no doubt in my mind that we are all supposed to be in each other’s lives. A is such a lucky little girl to be loved by so many, and I hope we can raise her always knowing that. We are excited for an open adoption with S, and that A will always know where she came from, and how selflessly S loved her and wanted the best for her.
