This was our first time making cake pops, and it was so fun! Our date box came with the mixes to make the cake pops, paints, canvas board, and some tunes to jam to during our date. I’m the more artistic one, so it was fun to watch K bust out the paints and go to town. When we were dating and first married he used to write me children’s stories, but his own versions of classics like Sleeping Beauty, with illustrations and all. In fact, he proposed to me using his version of Sleeping Beauty. I’ll still flip through it, and I just get the biggest smile. I love that he’s willing to try new things and branch out, even if it isn’t something he has a natural talent for. I tend to stick more to my comfort zone and what I’m good at; we definitely help balance each other out a bit, and I’m trying to branch out more, and be a bit more like him in that way.