If you like puzzles, Cat Stax/Dog Stax will have you in date night heaven! Me, I’m not so much a hard puzzle person, so this was a fun version of date night hell for me. Fun, because it was with K, but hell because I was so bad at it, even when using the answer cards I still couldn’t match the 4 cats tall puzzle, K had to help me.

These stax games come with challenge cards, from beginner to expert. I got cocky, and grabbed an expert first try, which had FOUR layers of cats. K grabbed an easier card from his stack, but that was fine, I test software for a living, puzzles are my jam. Except not in this case, haha.

The sets also come with solution cards, but those weren’t super useful to me. The solution cards can be a bit hard to read if it’s more than 2 layers tall, but K was able to figure it out without much difficulty, it was just me that had the issue.

On top of these games being incredibly frustrating, and the perfect gift for someone you hate if you remove the solution cards, they are ADORABLE. The little dogs and cats even have adorable little features.

They come in awesome colors, and a cute little case so you can take them with you on the go. This game would be pretty perfect for a doctor’s office waiting room, since you’re always stuck in those forever. You definitely want to take a photo before you open your case though, or you will never get all your cats and dogs back into the top.

This date night was definitely one that made us work together, rather than compete with each other, which was a nice change. We had to work together because I couldn’t figure my puzzles out, but K was gracious about it and just scooted closer and squoze me tight.

The challenge cards will tell you how many and which cats or dogs to use, and you have to fit them all into the shape on the challenge card. It will also tell you how many layers, and then you have to figure out how they all fit together, and the more layers the harder it is to keep them balanced.

I’ve given a set of Cat Stax to my sister, as well as a long time friend, and they’ve both raved about it. These are the perfect size to use as a stocking stuffer, or just an I love you I was thinking of you gift (hello those of you with gifts as a love language like me).

You can order Cat Stax here, and Dog Stax here. You won’t regret it. Ok, you might if you aren’t puzzle savvy, but it’s adorable and fun to play with someone who is good at puzzles, so still something you probably want to order.
