We don’t have many Christmas traditions yet, we’re still trying to find what works for us, but these ornaments are a tradition that we’ve borrowed from my family, and done each year since being married.
Growing up on Christmas Eve my parents would have a new ornament for my sister and I, and this ornament was special. It described you, and something about you from that year. I have ornaments for sewing, getting my CNA, when I got into photography, when I went through my hippie phase, voice lessons, etc. I love that I can look back each year and see what I was passionate about, and kind of watch myself grow up with my ornaments.

This year our ornaments were centered around becoming parents, and these are the most special ornaments out of them all.
I pick out K’s ornament, and he picks out mine. For our daughter A, we pick out her ornament together. This year was easy, we got her a First Christmas Ornament – if we hadn’t done that I would have tried to find a fart gun one or something, because she is such a gassy baby and takes so much joy in letting out huge toots while on our laps.

K’s ornament is a Star Wars one, that says “First Year as Father”. I got it from etsy, and as soon as I saw it I knew it was the one. When he opened it he did his adorable high pitched laugh, the one he does when he finds something genuinely awesome. A’s came from Amazon, where a seller there makes these baby’s first year ornaments by hand. Mine came from Hooked on Ornaments. Turns out finding a Mom ornament, a first time Mom one, is actually quite difficult.

I love how all of our ornaments are about the same thing this year, A. She’s completely changed our lives, and we are so excited for our first Christmas as parents! Since becoming parents life has changed drastically, but we wouldn’t change it for anything. She will make this our best Christmas yet!
