Hey there,
We’re Pax, K, and A (My name is Lindsay, I go by Pax, a college nickname and my husband is Kelton, I call him K, and we have a daughter Adeline, who we call A). Eight months ago our lives changed when we became parents to A. She is the spunkiest, most adorable, and most mischievous little girl. If she isn’t terrorizing the dogs by rolling everywhere and invading their personal space she’s giggling as she throws food on the ground and feeds them more than herself. We have an open adoption, and love how often we’re able to see A’s birth mom and sister – sending photos and videos when we aren’t getting together in person, and planning a combined dream vacation to Harry Potter world.

K and I met while working at a group home here in Utah, and our first interaction was a mandatory PCS (restraint) training. I was required to be the restrained, and to fight back, and K the restrainer. It ended up with me kicking him in the jewels by accident, and him quickly getting me restrained after. It wasn’t what I’d call the best start, but we became friends, and then about a year after I quit we reconnected and started dating. K and I have now been married for 5.5 years, and it’s been some of the hardest and most amazing years of our lives. Marriage has definitely challenged us and helped us grow in ways we didn’t know we needed, and it’s been the best thing.
I worked my way up through a few jobs to become a QA Tester, and that’s what I do now; I test software. K works in tech support, supporting a large cloud storage company. We both love our jobs, and are always striving to learn more and to do better. K is finishing up his Bachelor’s in English, attending school part time, and when he’s done I’ll attend school part time, finishing my degree in Computer Science.
We bought a house a little over 2 years ago, along with 4 (yes 4) dogs. We originally only wanted 1-2 dogs, but we found 2 sets of siblings, and they were the last 2 from each litter, and I just couldn’t separate them, so now we have 4 puppies that we’re completely in love with. They absolutely adore A, and she them. I don’t know who enjoys dinner time more, them or her; she thinks it’s absolutely hilarious to feed them her food and get kisses.
K has a genetic disorder that we don’t want to pass on. He’s healthy, but it’s not something we want to risk, so we’re pursuing adoption again.
K has recently found a love for building furniture, and builds everything from bed frames and tables and raised planters, to A’s crib. He’s quite good at it, and I love having his pieces around our home. If he isn’t building things he’s helping me cook in the kitchen, planning a game night for the 2 of us, trying to convince me that Lord of the Rings is better than Harry Potter, or dancing with A, or busting out a song on the piano. He sang to me on our first date, and I love that he still does, and that he sings to A too.
I was an art and photography major in college, and had planned to minor in culinary arts. I was a professional photographer for a couple of years here in Utah, but when we decided we wanted to buy a house and start a family I chose to give that up so I could be more present. We are both very creative, love reading, building things, cooking (we’re love pretty much anything with cranberries), playing with our dogs, anything and everything Harry Potter (we even have a dog named Padfoot) or Jurassic Park, and playing Just Dance on the wii. I’m always reading 2 or 3 different books at a time, and one of those is almost always Harry Potter.

We are the parents that melt as A looks up at us laughing, or crying not wanting to go down for a nap, giving in to just another 5 minutes of cuddling, or one more song, etc. I’m the mom that yells “Accio milk”, or just Accio anything, and keeps yelling it until K gives in and brings it to me, with A just giggling and staring at me the whole time. I’m the mom that reads bedtime stories doing all of the voices, even in accents I’ve never heard before. K is the dad that makes up dances with A, having her moonwalk on the counter. He is the dad that makes airplane noises and flies you everywhere, which is actually pretty intense since he’s 6’10”, and just laughs when you puke on him. He’s the dad that wakes up to calm you after only an hour of two of sleep, always without complaint.
We’ll be the parents that make matching t-shirts to cheer at their basketball games, the ones that frame their drawings and hang them up in our home. The ones that take way too many photos, and cave to “Just one more story” more than we should. We’ll be the ones that will whisper a word of thanks your way each night as we tuck your most precious gift into bed, and we’ll tell your child how much both of their mommies and daddies love them.
We’d love to have a good relationship with you, and keep you updated on what’s going on, and get together a couple times a year, if logistics and things allow.
We live within an hour of our parents, most of our siblings, and many friends. We have a great support system here, which is one reason we ultimately chose to settle down in Utah. You can view more about us on this blog, or you can follow our Facebook page here.
Thank you so much for taking the time to read this; we know this is not an easy decision, and if you have ANY questions we are an open book and would love to hear from you!
-Pax & Kelton
