I had this adorable idea for a new Christmas tradition – gingerbread houses! I never grew up making them, but they looked so cute and fun that I figured it was perfect.
We bought our gingerbread house kit from Costco, and patiently waited for our photo session to bust it out, thinking we’d have the cutest photos ever. Now, we do have the cutest photos ever, but, turns out, I hate decorating gingerbread houses.
K was an amazing sport, as we failed to read the directions and massage/warm up the frosting first, so that stuff wouldn’t stick for anything. I ended up spreading it on the roof with a knife out of desperation, which actually turned out pretty cute.
K worked on warming up the frosting and I eventually gave up and just decorated with candy while cuddling with A.
A loves bright colors, and watching them, so she was content for quite a bit just starring at all the candy, and following it with her eyes as we decorated.
Gingerbread houses will be a new Christmas tradition for us, and I can’t wait to see A get into it as she gets older, sneaking the dogs candy, giggling, and all sorts of other adorable things. This little girl is so loved, and Christmas this year will be a whole different kind of special for our little family.