




I’m not going to lie, I usually roll my eyes and quickly scroll past the thankfulness posts I see in November/December, and I’ve never done one before. But, this year, with everything we’ve been through and how we’ve been able to make things work I’m a lot more conscience about how much we do have to be thankful for.

I’m thankful that K was laid off a few months ago. He has a job now that he loves, and is excelling at. The lay off helped us both be more motivated to be harder working, to make ourselves more of an asset to the companies we work for. Sure, it’s resulted in having to work multiple jobs, but overall, it’s a much better fit for us, and has helped K find strengths he didn’t know he had.

I’m thankful for photos, which led to me meeting this lady, Chloe. She has quickly become one of my best friends, and is exactly what I’ve needed in my life. I have very few people that I really call friends, especially since moving to Utah, and it takes a lot for me to make time with our crazy busy lives for anyone, especially as K and I hardly see each other as it is, but she is more than happy to come over and hang out amongst the chaos that is 4 dogs, 2 etsy shops, this blog, and everything else. She is one of the most genuinely beautiful people I’ve ever met, and she brings out the best in us through our lifestyle sessions.


I’m thankful for all of the house problems we’ve had. I mean, let’s not kid ourselves, they suck, but we’ve learned how to do minor repairs (thank you dad!). K has become handier than ever, I’ve learned a bit about fixing toilets, and K has even built us some furniture, which I never would have seen happening before. We’ve learned more about ourselves as a couple, and how we handle conflict, frustrations, and each other’s breaking points.


My parents. My mom is always ready and willing to give me rides home so K can work overtime, and my dad is over to help us fix any manner of things. He also continues to answer my phone calls about new house problems, knowing there’s no end in site. When K was laid off mom would bring us dinner randomly to help with the cost of food as we were scrambling to make ends meet, and it made us feel so loved. These two still come visit us, even though dogs aren’t their thing, and they hate dogs that shed, with smiles on their faces. They even let us come live with them so we could get back on our feet before buying a house, and while we were there they, mostly willingly, posed for photos for us so we could practice new poses, lighting, etc for our photography business, even in the freezing cold.


Unfortunately I don’t really have more photos of K’s family, this is from our wedding nearly 4 year ago. I’m thankful for K’s parents. Even though we’ve had our share of difficulties and differences they are always willing to help when help is needed. From K’s dad coming over, with pretty much zero notice from us one morning to help K put in a doggy door for the dogs before work, then finishing it when K had to leave, to his mom getting us ingredients from some of our favorite recipes from our blog, and offering to help with anything we’re working on. (K’s family, next time we see you, be prepared for photos)


(Again, how do I not have better photos of these important people in my life?!) I’ve known Karla for around 10 years, and I was her son’s babysitter growing up. Her family quickly became like a second family to me, and throughout the years we can call each other and pick up right where we left off. She is so hardworking and full of love, and she just brightens up your entire day. She flew out to UT from AZ for my wedding, and I know when we have kids and other major events she’ll be a part of them. She is one of my best friends and role models, and I’m so grateful to have her in my life. She helps calms the crazy when I’m upset, and always has a fresh perspective for me.


These 4 crazies. They chew up my baseboards, leave my couch a mess, have zero understanding of personal space, but they are my favorite. They each have their own little quirks, and I love them more and more each day. Padfoot is my shadow, always wanting to be right by me. He even sleeps on the bed with us, and throws the biggest fit if K wants him to get up and off of the bed before I get out of  bed. Sharky has the most adorable high pitched bark when she wants to play, and is becoming a cuddle monster. She’ll just sit there and paw at you for attention with this big grin on her face. Luna has the most quirks, but is the most loving dog of them all. She just wants your love and attention, and can’t handle if you’re upset with her. She wants to cuddle you and lick you, constantly, and even though it can be annoying, it’s her way of showing affection. Sherlock has the best smile, and is so genuinely happy. He recently has discovered hugs, and will nuzzle up in your neck, then sneak attack and go for your ears. He’s so fun and happy that it’s just contagious. These guys filled a gap in our lives we didn’t even know we had, and while it’s exhausting, and there’s more fur all over than we’d like, they are four of the best things that’s ever happened to us.





Our Kind of Wonderful
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