Currently Browsing: OurKindofWonderful 429 articles

Vietnamese Meatball Pho Noodle Soup - Our Kind of Wonderful

Vietnamese Meatball Pho Noodle Soup

Pho is something that K loves, but that we don’t have often at all. When I found this recipe to try it I got so excited, and when it actually turned out and he loved it I considered it a huge win. We got our star anise from Amazon as I couldn’t find it anywhere […]


Coaster Making & Yamslam Date Night

Making coasters wouldn’t have been my first choice for a date night, but it was actually really fun! I was really tired and giggly for our date, but as usual K was beyond patient with me, and just told me I was adorable. This date box also came with Yamslam, a fast paced dice game […]

Spiralized Apple Salad - Our Kind of Wonderful

Spiralized Apple Salad

Salads are something we are constantly trying to incorporate into our meals more, but that we fail at. I’ll buy spinach or lettuce, and it will go bad before we get to using it. Then, this spiralized apple salad happened, and it’s amazing! Plus, apples stay fresh so much longer, I loved the bit of […]


Smokey Eye

A smokey eye is something I’ve always been intimidated by, but that I finally decided that I wanted to conquer. I chose to have a purple hue to mine, as with how pasty I am I feel that just black and grey is a bit too drastic for my skin tone, and isn’t as flattering. […]

Breakfast Potatoes - Our Kind of Wonderful

Breakfast Potatoes

Breakfast is a meal we are constantly trying to change up, even in little ways like with a new way to cook potatoes. Quick and filling is important to us, as K cooks breakfast every week day and has it ready for me before I head to work, and I cook it on the weekends. […]


Sunset in Sumatra, a Sultry Red Rose Valentine’s Day Look

This was such a fun makeup look to come up with, and is perfect for Valentine’s Day! I love the pop of color, that is still neutral enough to not be too much. Paired with a nice lip color and you can take this look from day to night with ease. First you want to […]

Slow Cooker Corned Beef Cabbage Stew - Our Kind of Wonderful

Slow Cooker Corned Beef Cabbage Stew

K loves corned beef and cabbage, and of course I can’t stand it. So, I try to find new ways to cook it in the hopes that one day I’ll find something that isn’t gross. So far, no luck, but this definitely goes onto the list of gross food K likes.

Vegetable Quesadillas - Our Kind of Wonderful

Vegetable Quesadillas

These quesadillas have become a quick favorite over here! They are quick, easy, and delicious. We try to have meatless meals at least twice a week, and often times I’m just not in love with what we try. But, these quesadillas are seriously some of the best things ever. We’ve had them over and over […]

Our Kind of Wonderful
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