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Acorn Squash Curry - Our Kind of Wonderful

Acorn Squash Curry

We have been incorporating more and more vegetarian, and vegan, meals into our menus and we love it! We try to do at least 2-3 meals each week that are meatless, and it’s been such a nice change. This curry I was hesitant about, but it’s actually delicious! The squash gets soft enough that peeling it isn’t necessary, and it’s so filling. And, to top it all off, it’s really, really easy :].


Acorn Squash Curry - Our Kind of Wonderful


2 Tbsp. tamarind pulp
1 Tbsp. olive oil
1 medium onion, diced
2-inch piece of ginger, minced
3 garlic cloves, minced
2 tsp. ground coriander
1 tsp. tumeric
1 tsp. cumin
1 tsp. cayenne
1 medium acorn squash, roughly 2.5lbs. cubed
1 (14 oz) can of coconut milk
2 cups water
pumpkin seeds, as desired
cilantro, for garnish
Cooked rice, for serving


Place the tamarind pulp in a small bow with about 1/4 cup of hot water. Mix it together, then set it aside.

Heat the oil over medium0high heat in a large pot. Add in the onion and cook, stirring until it’s soft. Add in the ginger and garlic, and cook for about 1 minute. Add in the coriander, turmeric, cumin, cayenne and let them toast for 1 minute.

Add in the acorn squash (don’t worry about peeling it, the skin softens as it cooks), coconut milk, water, and tamarind – bring to a boil. Reduce the heat to low, cover the pot, and let it simmer until the squash is soft, which will take roughly 20 minutes.

If you want a thicker curry mash some of the squash with a fork. Serve with rice, pumpkin seeds, and cilantro.



Our Kind of Wonderful
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