New England Clam Chowder

Growing up for K (the husband) it was tradition to have homemade clam chowder on Christmas Eve, and it is something he looks forward to all year long. In an effort to help him keep those traditions I searched FOREVER for a clam chowder recipe, but I wanted to do it all from scratch, with fresh clams, the whole shebang. This chowder was going to be rocking, and according to K, my dad, and my grandpa it is! I don’t do the whole clam chowder thing, so they enjoyed it a safe distance away so the smell of clam chowder wouldn’t taint my food. You don’t have to use fresh clams, you’re welcome to use canned, just save the juice! I’m trying to turn a new leaf, and make it not just once a year, so if clams in the chowder variety are your thing, this recipe is one you need to try.
